Dogs Deserve Better
Dogs Deserve Better
Website Re-design
Softwares Used: Illustrator

Charities bring together people who care about a cause so that they can make a difference. Charities help in lots of different ways, but the main ways are by providing direct help, giving information, or raising awareness of an issue. They will oftentimes have websites that help you get a better understanding on how they're trying to tackle the issue and how you can help. 
Through the organization Dogs Deserve Better I wanted to help better inform and completely re-brand the organization. Some of the issues the original website had was that it provided too many information and the navigation bar consisted of more than seven tabs, which usually makes it harder for the user to navigate. With my new alternative design I wanted to have a serious look when it came to the subject, but also a fun and bright look. Of course we want people to adopt and sponsor and through this new informative website thats what I plan on.
Check out their original website! :

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